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- Thread starterDuranDuran
- Start dateNov 19, 2009
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- Feb 8, 2017
- #31
Re: autobiography
SarahJ said:
Judging from some of the comments, looks like your right about the public not knowing she exists.
A lot of people don't know about Rebbie and she had a recording career. So non-showbiz relatives are even less likely to be known by a large amount of people.
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- Feb 8, 2017
- #32
that's pretty cold of Joe, not surprised... To be SEMI fair though, Joe knows the other families work through Katherine to get money from MJ.. They'd never go to Joe to scum off of Michaels money cuz Joe didn't have the "IN" Katherine did/does. It's not like Joh-Vonnie would go to Katherine begging for $$$..
elusive moonwalker
- Feb 9, 2017
- #33
In this never before told story, Joh’Vonnie Jackson explains her side of the story for once and on her own terms.
It amazes me how desperate publishers actually are. Seriously who the heck cares. There is no story
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- Feb 9, 2017
- #34
I only know how she attempted to get in touch with her siblings, but they weren't keen on talking to her. Then she was for the first and last time invited to Neverland, I think it was Michael's birthday, and no one reportedly paid her any attention. But Michael was very attentive to Yasmine, her daughter. Well, who knows where the truth is. But I can't blame anyone. She wanted to get to know her family, which is understandable, but I also understand why other Jacksons didn't want to interact with her because she had experienced Joe in a very different way and they couldn't relate.
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- Feb 9, 2017
- #35
FullLipsDotNose said:
I only know how she attempted to get in touch with her siblings, but they weren't keen on talking to her. Then she was for the first and last time invited to Neverland, I think it was Michael's birthday, and no one reportedly paid her any attention. But Michael was very attentive to Yasmine, her daughter. Well, who knows where the truth is. But I can't blame anyone. She wanted to get to know her family, which is understandable, but I also understand why other Jacksons didn't want to interact with her because she had experienced Joe in a very different way and they couldn't relate.
I've heard she has a relationship with Rebbie and I think Tito. I don't know if that's true or not. Janet invited her to one of her concerts.
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- Feb 12, 2017
- #36
SarahJ said:
Oh Lord...
Guess since everyone else is jumping on the gravy train, she probably figured she might as well too.
Yuuup everyone else has.....and she will only get media attention if her "book" has negative MJ stories in it.
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- Feb 15, 2017
- #37
I'm sure being the 'bastard' child has a lot to feel 'sorry' (emotional issues from feeling forgotten and neglected) for but it I Michaels money we are talking about. She's not HIS daughter or responsibility.
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- May 15, 2017
- #38
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wow this was one crazy week. So my daughter lost her Great Grandmother (Grandma Golden) from her fathers side RIP. I never met her before …</p>— JohVonnie Jackson (@JNJJackson74) <a href="https://twitter.com/JNJJackson74/status/858058579760357377">April 28, 2017</a></blockquote>
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- Mar 11, 2018
- #39
The Talk (March 9, 2018)
Joh'Vonnie was on The Talk yesterday.
Mikky Dee
Sunset Driver, Midnight Rider
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- Mar 11, 2018
- #40
Trying to be shady towards Michael and the siblings with almost every word. :gross:
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- Mar 11, 2018
- #41
Mikky Dee said:
Trying to be shady towards Michael and the siblings with almost every word. :gross:
Thanks, I've also been reading the excerpts of her book at MJ Forum at Lipstick Alley, and she comes across as another nasty piece of work using MJ for attention and $$$$$. Plus she makes my skin crawl. If your gonna be angry about your existence as a bastard, be angry at your "DADDY!" not at your half siblings who talent and hard work pretty much paid for your walnut icecream, dolls from around the world and every other perk you got from Joseph, MJ and his siblings don't owe her a god damn thing.
Last edited:
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- Mar 11, 2018
- #42
Goddess4Real said:
Thanks, I've also been reading the excerpts of her book at MJ Forum at Lipstick Alley, and she comes across as another nasty piece of work using MJ for attention and $$$$$. Plus she makes my skin crawl. If your gonna be angry about your existence as a bastard, be angry at your "DADDY!" not at your half siblings who talent and hard work pretty much paid for your walnut icecream, dolls from around the world and every other perk you got from Joeseph. MJ and his siblings don't owe her a god damn thing.
I am reading the book right now and it is actually an interesting read to hear her side of the story. Joseph lived with them and was very controlling and mentally abused Cheryl and maybe that is why she never left him. They had a relation for 25 years even though he was still married to Katherine and had other women all the time. JohVonnie was 11 years old before she realized Joseph was actually married to Katherine. He have JohVonnie the brothers and old clothes and Janets old green bike. I sounds like she originally was a big fan of Janet and looked up to her a lot.
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- Mar 11, 2018
- #43
can someone please share the video from the talk? the video posted above is offline
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- Mar 12, 2018
- #44
can someone please download the video:
and share it on mega.nz?
I guess only US people can see the video and I am currently not in the USA.
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- Mar 13, 2018
- #45
I'm not saying she isn't nasty towards the family but what in the video was so nasty? I'm not seeing it
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- Mar 16, 2018
- #46
Since nobody shares the full interview here (neither the link nor the youtube video is working for people outside the US) here another link with at least 4 minutes of the interview:
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- Mar 16, 2018
- #47
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- Mar 16, 2018
- #48
anyone has the full show???
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- Mar 16, 2018
- #49
Glanni;4218439 said:
anyone has the full show???
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Thanks for sharing the link. I have now finnished reading the book and I still don’t think it is a scandalbook. I think she just wants to tell her side of the story because a lot of blame has been put on her in serveral biographys ever since the 90s. Maybe I will change my mind but that is my opionion for now..
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- Mar 17, 2018
- #50
Glanni;4218439 said:
anyone has the full show???
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Thanks for sharing the link. I have now finnished reading the book and I don ’t think she blasts her halfsiblngs she is just saying her opinion and telling her side of the story because a lot has been said and written about her ever since Randy Tarraborellis book in 1990 or 91.
elusive moonwalker
- Mar 19, 2018
- #51
Shes jist try
elusive moonwalker
- Mar 19, 2018
- #52
Imo shes just trying to create a career for herself based on been joes love child. I doubt anyone blames her for being such a product its not her fault. But i doubt a huge amount of fans let alone the general public even know of her or her excistance. Hardly anything has been said or written about her.certainly not in the mainstream press to the point where anything needs clarifying. she just wants people to know about her. And make money and a career out her connection. Everyone wants their 15 mins
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- Mar 19, 2018
- #53
elusive moonwalker;4218600 said:
Imo shes just trying to create a career for herself based on been joes love child. I doubt anyone blames her for being such a product its not her fault. But i doubt a huge amount of fans let alone the general public even know of her or her excistance. Hardly anything has been said or written about her.certainly not in the mainstream press to the point where anything needs clarifying. she just wants people to know about her. And make money and a career out her connection. Everyone wants their 15 mins
I have read about her in several book. Maybe you are right that the general public has not heard about her. Still it’t not like she is making a lot of scandalous claims about MJ his kids or the Jackson family which would have brought her a lot more attention and more money. It is just about what life has been like for her and her opionions about the Jacksons which is some critisism but more praise than critisism so I don’t think it’s very nasty at all and not a book to worry about but I will leave this for now.
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- Mar 23, 2018
- #54
Well... If every other jackson can try to make something out of the name.. I see no difference with her doing it.
It's as "ok" or "not ok" as any other person with that blood line using it for advancement of some sort.
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- Mar 11, 2019
- #55
March 2019
View this post on Instagram Exonerated from the Courts and FBI point blank period! #johvonniejackson #jacksonforever #joejacksonbuilt #jacksonforever #authorlife #bastardchild #ebooks #johvonniejackson.com #aerio A post shared by JohVonnie N J Jackson (@johvonniejackson74) on Mar 4, 2019 at 8:04am PST
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- Feb 26, 2020
- #56
RadarOnline is trash. Don't listen to them.
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- Jul 4, 2020
- #57
View this post on Instagram So proud! Black lives absolutely matter! #zaaharahsays #zaaharhspeaks #mychild #noweaponformedagainstmeshallprosper #shewhocreatesherself #ironrose #warriorqueen #bastardchild #joejacksontough #hawkette #cherylesgirls #johvonniejackson #yasminejackson #generationz #islam #poweryothepeople #blacklivesmatter #thisbitchtriedtokillmybaby #18hoursoflabor #godsessvibes A post shared by JohVonnie N J Jackson (@johvonniejackson74) on Jun 30, 2020 at 10:21pm PDT
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- Aug 30, 2020
- #58
Today is Joh’Vonnies 46th birthday so I wish her a happy birthday .
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