Background Information- Some of you clash royale players may be wondering about trophies. Maybe you are wondering how well you are doing for your current level, or your wondering what the requirements are for each arena. Additionally, the most common question is how are clan trophies calculated. With this guide, you will know everything you need to know regarding trophies. The main points I will hit in this guide is level areas, goals, legendary arena frequently asked questions, how the “rigged” matchmaking works, and how the trophies are calculated after a battle. Without further explanation, lets get started.
How many Trophies you should Have At Your Current level-This section will help you gauge your skill based on trophies. Each level will have a a beginner, intermediate, advanced, and pro section. The beginner level means that you should probably hone in your skills a bit, maybe have some more practice. Intermediate means you are probably about average for your current level. Advanced means you are a little above the average player at your current level and pro means one of to things. You are either a pay to play player with awesome theory crafting, a player that doesn’t donate anything and is also a good theory crafter, or a free to play try hard like myself. Or your just a normal player that is extremely good at the game.
Level One: The start of your journey. One must learn the basics of the game before mastery. It is perfectly normal to be in thebeginneror intermediate stages of the game.
Beginner-0 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-400 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-700 Trophies- You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-1000 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Two: Still very early along in the game for you. It is perfectly normal to be in thebeginneror intermediate stages of the game.
Beginner-200 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-500 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-900 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-1200 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Three: Still very early along in the game for you. It is perfectly normal to be in thebeginneror intermediate stages of the game.
Beginner-500 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-700 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-1100 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-1500 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Four: Starting to know more about the game. You should be around the intermediate stage by now.
Beginner-800 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-1100 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-1300 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-1700 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Five: Starting to know more about the game. You should be around the intermediate stage by now.
Beginner-1300 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-1500 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-2000 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-2500 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Six: Starting to know more about the game. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-1500 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-1800 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-2500 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-3000 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Seven:Starting to know more about the game. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-1800 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-2100 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-2400 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-3200 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Eight: Know the game very well. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-2100 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-2400 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-3000 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-3500 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Nine:You memorized the best counters to each card and know your stats of your most used cards. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-2500 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-3000 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-3500 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-3700 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Ten:You memorized the best counters to each card and know your stats of almost allyour cards. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-3000 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-3500 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-3700 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-4100 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Eleven: You memorized the best counters to each card,know your stats of your most used cards, and know the stats of your opponents most used cards. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-3500 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-4000 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-4500 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-4700 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Twelve: You memorized the best counters to each card,know your stats of your most used cards, and know the stats of your opponents most used cards. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-4000 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-4300 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-4700 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-5000 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Level Thirteen: You memorized the best counters to each card,know your stats of your most used cards, and know the stats of your opponents most used cards. You should be around the intermediate stage by now. If you are very into the game, you may start to be in the advanced or pro stage.
Beginner-4200 Trophies- Don’t worry, everyone starts here. With some more practice, you can easily move into the higher trophy range.
Intermediate-4500 Trophies- You are where you should be. However, you can be even better and surpass most people of your level with some more practice.
Advanced-4900 Trophies-You are very good for your level. It will take a long time to get to the next barrier. Prepare for many hours of work to get to the pro stage.
Pro-5000 Trophies- Keep doing what you are doing. You do not need help from me.
Clan Trophies- Clan Trophies is a topic that many people wonder about. Most people do not know how trophies are calculated andhow important the top ten people in the clan are.The picture to the right explains it pretty clearly. In short, the first ten players in your Clan generates the most trophies. They contribute 50% of their own trophies directly to the Clan trophy total. The next ten contribute 25% of their own trophies, then 12% of their own trophies, then 10% of their own trophies, and then finally the last ten contribute 3% of their own trophies. If you study the chart. clan trophies become a simple calculation rather than a complicated mystery.
Legendary Trophies-Legendary trophies is another area where many people struggle with. In this section Iwill write a Frequently Asked Questions styled informative topic about legendary trophies.
If I get over 3000 trophies, when will I get my legendary trophies?
You will get your legendary trophies once the season resets. The season resets every two weeks to ensure people do not get extremely high in trophies. The season reset time can be found on the leader boards. The leader boards can be hound in the main page of the game and it has the trophy icon. As you can see the trophy icon is right above your battle log button.
If I get past 3000 trophies, but then drop to under 3000 trophies and the seasonresets, will I still get my legendary trophies?
Unfortunately, you will not get your legendary trophies. When the season resets, you have to be over 3000 trophies in order to receive any legendary trophies. Because of this, many people choose to camp between 3000 and 3030 trophies because they really want that extra legendary banner on their profile information. . However, if you go below 3000 trophies, you minus and well should just try pushing back up to 3000 trophies as it will not do you much harm because no legendary trophies are at risk.
I reached 3000 trophies but there is still a week left before the season resets, should I wait so I get my legendary trophies?
In a short answer, it is really up to you. If you think that you won’t be able to get back up into the legendary arena again before the season in you drop in trophies, you should stay. Also, if you think you just got lucky or played unskilled players for the last few matches, I would again advise you to camp just above 3000 trophies. Also, if you have really low level cards and you made it to the legendary arena, you should also stay. The final reason you should stay is that if there are only three or less days remaining in the season.. Missing only three days worth of chests doesn’t hinder your progress too much. Now the cons of staying at 3000 trophies for a long time. The main con is the time and progress you lose. If missed out on one week worth of chests and battle rewards, that would handy cap me about 10,000 gold to 15,000 gold. In this respect, waiting for trophies that does not give you anything except a new shiny badge is bad. My rule for waiting for the reset is pretty easy. Since I know I can easily stay above 3000 trophies now, I continue to battle all the war to a few hours before resets. For you it may be a few days before reset. Deciding to camp for trophies is mostly a preference choice. I personally think waiting a maximum of three days is fine but anything longer than that would be a waste in time and hinder your progress by too much.
The season just ended, should I attack right away to try getting on theleader boards?
If you just reached 3000 trophies, you should not. This is extremely true if you are a level eight or nine. If you do attack right when the season resets, you are very likely going to face people higher than you. For example, as I was a level nineI had to battle a level thirteen. Of course this was an extremely aggravating and depressing experience because no matter how bad he was, I would not be able to win. He even started the match by sending a rocket to my tower and defended my ten elixir push with fourelixir. So when the season resets, I recommend that you do not attack right away. I recommend to attack maybe one or two days after the season reset just to have the level ranges be a little more settled out. Also, since there are already so many top players, you being able to even get on the top 200 globally is highly unlikely. You may be able to get top 200 locally depending on where you live though. You most likely will not be able to get in the top 200 if you live in the United States of America though. However, if you are in the top three levels, I recommend that you do attack in the first two days. This will let you have the chance of attacking lower level players and get some easy cups. This will let you progress further in the season than before, give you a little extra boost, and make you happy from winning a lot.
I have finally reached 3000 Trophies and that was my only goal, what should my next goals be?
You next goals could now be getting certain cards to a certain level or some trophy counts can be your new goals. For me, my goals right now is to get commons to level ten and my rare cards to level eight. Another goal I just hit was 3500 trophies. My new goal is 3600 trophies. I think with these examples you get the jist. Just make your goals one card level higher than you already have whether it is for commons, rares, epics, or legendaries. and to also make trophy goals of one to two hundred more trophies than your personal best.
Trophy system, how matchmaking is set up and how the awarded or lost trophies are determined.
I have seen many complaints on the forums about bad matchmaking. Most of this is caused by how matchmaking is set up. It is only based off the amount of trophies you have, and the amount of trophies your opponent has. Usually, matchmaking will put you with a person within 100 trophies of you. In unlikely situations, matchmaking goes as far as 161 trophies away from you, up or down. People hate the system because if you are higher than where other people at your level are, you will face higher level opponents. People don’t like it because it gives the opponent an unfair advantage, which I agree with. However, I think the matchmaking system based on trophies rather than king tower level is still the way to go. Facing tougher opponents as you rise in trophies should happen, it just makes sense. You you are higher, you will face higher level opponents that have less skill than you, but makes it up for their card levels. These two things balance fairly well and you end up having close matches for the most part. If you guys are thinking level based matchmaking will be better than trophy based matchmaking, I’ll tell you where you are wrong. Imagine just facing your own level. Ideally, at level one, everyone will have the same level cards becauseif you upgrade any you will be moved to level 2. This means that level one takes the most skill. If you are very skilled at the game, do not upgrade cards, and do not donate cards, you have the potential of getting to legendary arena. You would just keep facing level ones all the way to 3000 trophies and beyond. This makes absolutely no sense what so ever. You want a player that has played the game a lot and worked through the levels to be at the top, not a level one who is just really good. Making the leader boards will no longer show your skill overall, it only shows your skill withing whatever level you are at. Because of this reason, matchmaking should be kept at being based off of trophies and not by the level of your king tower. This shows the ELO system of the game. On to the next part, how trophies are awarded. The higher your opponent is from your trophy mark, the more trophies you will win and the less trophies you will lose. For example, if you are facing a person 160 trophies higher than what you are at right now, if you win you will gain 43 trophies. If you lose, you will only lose 17 trophies. While a person withing 10 trophies of you will make you lose about 30 trophies if you lose and make you gain 30 trophies if you win. This also happens if you face a lower trophy person than yourself. If you face a person 160 trophies below you and you win, you will only gain 17 trophies. And if you lose you will get a minus 43 trophies. The same happens at 100 trophies where you would only gain 20 trophies if you win and lose 40 trophies if you happen to lose. These trophies are throughout the trophy discrepancy and cab get very predictable when you start memorizing trophy differences and the relative payouts. In short, the higher your opponent is compared to you, the more trophies you gain if you win and the less you lose if you lose. If you are facing a weaker opponent, the bigger discrepancies will make you win less trophies if you win and lose more trophies if you lose. This is all for this guide and I hope that you enjoyed this read. I also hope that you learned a little more about trophies, legendary area, goals, and how the heck matchmaking works. Until next time, have a great day.